Posts By:Burleson Seminars

I’m often asked “What’s the one thing I can do to attract more new patients to my practice?” and my answer is always the same: there is no one thing. I don’t know one way to attract 300 new patients per month to your practice. I know 300 ways to attract one patient and I recommend embracing all of them. If this sounds overwhelming, no one said private practice was going to be easy. This is business, not a cake walk. Dentists and orthodontists can attract 25-50 new patients per month without trying. Based on patient churn due to relocation,…

I see a lot of smart people giving dentists and orthodontists dumb advice. Your in-box and social media feeds are filled to the brim with mostly well-intentioned people trying to make a buck convincing you this one metric or that one metric will solve all your problems. They promise efficiency and growth in new patients, revenue, case starts; more of this, more of that. They sell magic weight loss pills while Grumpy Dustin tells you to eat your vegetables and go to the gym. I’m clearly not here to win any popularity contests. Listen. There’s nothing wrong with efficiency and…

The right dental practice management plan will result in an increase in patients. Review these key strategies to take your office to the next level.

Bringing more attention to your dental practice online requires the right strategy. Here is the complete guide to web marketing for dentists.

The right practice leadership can create a culture that employees and patients will appreciate. Use these tips to improve your dental practice.

One of our top members at Burleson Seminars recently asked me if I had a “bulletproof checklist” for dental and orthodontic marketing campaigns. I’ve probably given a dozen lectures on the topic around the world so my answer was, “Sure! Let me see what I can find.” I jumped down the Dropbox rabbit hole, looking for the key principles from a handful of lectures and seminar programs. At the end of the day, I found twelve “laws” of direct response marketing. Does this mean there are only twelve? Of course not. Dare I suggest you must consider my strategies and…

Someone close to the AAO Council on Governmental Affairs told me an alarming statistic at the meeting in Chicago this weekend. This person said half of all AAO member orthodontists have now seen a patient in private practice where direct-to-consumer (D2C) aligners caused adverse effects (traumatic occlusion, gingival recession, jaw joint pain, etc.) At first glance, had I taken this doctor’s claim at face value, I could only logically conclude direct-to-consumer aligners are harming the public. Instead, I zoomed out and quickly ran the math in my mind. Smile Direct Club, the largest D2C company, has treated more than 1.8…

If you are looking for ways to grow your dental practice, this guide can help. Here is everything to know about how to get more patients for your practice.

Just like any other business, in order for your dental practice to thrive, you need to be a great leader. Check out these dental practice leadership strategies.

Orthodontists from all over the world will convene in Chicago this weekend for the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session. There will be more learning opportunities available in the next four days than anyone has the available bandwidth or attention span, even if you cloned yourself twice, to obtain in four months. So, what are the most effective and efficient strategies to get the most out of your continuing education efforts? Here are a few simple tips I’ve observed over the years that have worked well for me: First, align your objectives and expectations with the type of meeting. Online…

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