Jason Zweig wrote a really nice article in the Wall Street Journal about his friend and colleague, Daniel Kahneman, who passed away recently at the age of 90. Below, you’ll find my summary of the article and a few notes worth considering: Daniel Kahneman, the eminent psychologist from Princeton University and Nobel laureate in economics, together with his research partner Amos Tversky, fundamentally reshaped our understanding of human decision-making. Before their groundbreaking work, economists had clung to the assumption that humans were rational beings, making decisions based on self-interest and perfect information. Kahneman and Tversky shattered this illusion, revealing…
Eataly is an Italian fooderie that has opened stores in 31 cities in 12 countries around the globe. Before speaking to over 1,200 Italian entrepreneurs, Ashley and I took some time to visit the $118 million experiential park called FICO Eataly World. Located outside Bologna, Eataly World spans 25 acres with over 40 restaurants, pastures, food demonstration areas and learning centers. To get around the huge attraction, visitors can ride adult tricycles by famous Italian bike maker Bianchi. Farmers and chefs will teach 30 daily interactive workshops in the truest sense of farm to table. Eataly World plans to welcome…
Ashley Goodall worked as an executive at Deloitte and Cisco Systems. She has a new book coming out, The Problem With Change. In a recent article, she takes Silicon Valley to task, saying, “the home of so many technological and workplace innovations, is rolling out another one: the unnecessary layoff.” Goodall continues, “After shedding over 260,000 jobs last year, the greatest carnage since the dot-com meltdown more than two decades ago, the major tech companies show little sign of letting up in 2024 despite being mostly profitable, in some cases handsomely so. In their words, the tech companies are letting people…
Cal Newport, a distinguished computer science professor at Georgetown University, has become a leading voice in the realm of productivity and professional fulfillment. His notable contributions to this field include the influential book, Deep Work, where Newport explores the transformative power of focused, undistracted work in an age of constant connectivity. Published in 2016, Deep Work gained widespread acclaim for its insights into cultivating profound concentration and delivering exceptional results in various professional domains. Newport’s work challenges prevailing norms of constant busyness, urging individuals to embrace a more deliberate and immersive approach to their tasks. As a precursor to his…
Psychiatrist and author, David Viscott said, “The purpose of life is to discover your gift, the work of life is to develop it, and the meaning of life is to give your gift away.” I’m not certain I understood this early in my career. I was too busy focused on external metrics like practice growth. I was constantly striving to prove myself to others and to assuage self-doubt and fear. I grew up with role models who instilled work ethic and diligence into me from a young age. I also grew up in the 1980s when movies like “The Meaning…
On a recent coaching call, I was asked about short-term thinking and the damaging effects this has on long-term results. It reminded me of the conversation I had with Dorie Clark on The Burleson Box podcast. She has a great book called The Long Game – How to be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World. Dorie told me, “You know you’re getting this right when you’ve put the proper systems in place so that your business doesn’t collapse if you’re not working 24/7.” Smart people like Warren Buffett and the late, great Charlie Munger understand this fundamental truth to…
As Cupid prepares to draw back his bow, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our amazing orthodontic community members – that means you! Your unwavering support and dedication to creating beautiful smiles have made our journey together truly special. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we’ve got a little something special for you. Drumroll, please… FREE Valentine’s Day Marketing Templates We know running an orthodontic practice comes with its unique set of challenges, and we’re here to make your life a bit easier. Our team has crafted some delightful…
Hey there, it’s Dustin, and I’m excited to announce the latest episode of The Burleson Box. Today’s episode is a special one as we explore a topic that lies at the heart of human connection – the lost art of conversation. Joining me on the show is the insightful John Bowe, author of “I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection.” Together, we dive into the profound impact of speech training, the healing power of words, and the ancient wisdom that could revolutionize the way we communicate. The Decline of Conversational Education:…
In his 2015 book, The End of Average, Todd Rose cautions against the pitfalls of designing systems based on averages, a concept he calls “averagarianism.” He argues that relying on the mean or judging success in terms of deviation from the mean can lead to ineffective and potentially harmful outcomes. Rose cites the example of Gilbert Daniels, a researcher in the 1950s whose work prompted the U.S. Air Force to design personalized cockpit features for pilots of various shapes and sizes, moving away from the notion of a standard, average pilot. This innovation significantly improved safety records. The essence of…
Most people think of failure in the wrong way. They see it as simply negative. We’re conditioned through school – and healthcare providers go through a lot of school – that our biggest fear becomes failing. This is unfortunate. You should think of failure as a temporary defeat. You’ve learned over and over again that thinks either work or they don’t work. From the time you learned to walk and through school and starting your practice, many things have worked and many things have not worked. Yet, we convince ourselves from today forward that everything is just going to work.…